214(b): Intending Immigrant, AKA the Consular Officer's best friend. Allows officers to reject non-immigrant visa applications because they believe the person will not return to their home country in a timely manner. The majority of NIV refusals are 214(b).
Amcit: American Citizen.
ACS: American Citizen Services. The section of Consular Affairs that deals with American citizens abroad. Birth certificates, lost passports, prison visits etc.
CLO: Community Liaison Officer. In charge of social planning and wellness activities for the mission community.
EER: Employee Evaluation Report. The annual review all FSOs must go through.
EFM: Eligible Family Member. Refers to dependents of FSOs who can share their housing, transport, and receive priority for certain in-mission jobs.
FLO: Family Liaison Office. Usually an EFM, in charge of community activities and services for families with children.
IV/NIV: Immigrant/Non-Immigrant Visas.
IWP: Interview Waiver Program, by which someone who has a valid US visa can renew it without going through the interview process.
LES: Locally employed staff. Refers to the non-US workers who make up the majority of the workforce in most foreign missions. Also known as FSNs (Foreign Service Nationals).
TDY: Temporary duty. Describes when an FS professional is sent to another mission on a short-term basis.
VLA: Visa Lookout and Accountability. A program to review visa issuances to ensure that consular officers are not issuing visas to people with prior ineligibilities.