Friday, May 26, 2017

How do you get a visa?

There's not a simple answer to that question.

There are many types of visas n the world.

Immigrant visas.

Work visas.

Student visas.

But if you mean a regular, tourist/business visa, here's the short version.

You must:

1. Not have any ineligibilities (past immigration violations, serioues crimes etc.)

2.   Overcome section 214(b) of the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA)

OK, so what the hell is that?

To put t as plainly as possible, you must visit the Consular Officer that you do not intend to misuse your visa. In other words, you must demonstrate that you have a good reason to stay in your country of residence, and not live or work without authorization in the United States.

How do you do that?

Well, the usual way is to show strong ties. A good job, family connections, a government pension.

All visa applicants are PRESUMED to be immigrants until they show otherwise.

Despite the rumors, there is no set rule about how much money you have t make, how many kids you need to have or anything else.

Happy interviewing...

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